Saturday, May 2, 2009


5 Sentences
-Pope is a killer from the past.
-The Pope is a killer and his daughter is crzzy.
-Sarah notices something funny going on in the Pope's house.
-I think Sarah is going to upst Kale and solve the mystery on her own.
-The Pope's wife is always brought up in the book but doent really have a major part.

-Why is the Pope so afraid of being around Sarah?
-Does an one know that the Pope is a killer?
-Why doesnt Kale let Sarah go on her own?
-What does the wife have to do with the investigation?

3Vocab words

2literary terms
-flashback: Pope was thinking about what he has done in the past to the teenage girl.
-irony: Sarah saw the Pope in the window and he was also behind her.

1Overview Sentence
-I think that somene in the Pope family is the murderer of Vallerie.

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