Tuesday, June 2, 2009

5/4/3/2/1 The Lost Childhood

5 Sentences
-A bullet set Molotov on fire.
-Yehuda and his companions begin to fight in the war.
-Many different problems from people getting sick to equipment being lost was a distraction.
-The older men were suppose to cook and because they would get so drunk they spit in the soup.
-Lala and Yehuda's mom sent letters to him to see how he was holding up in the war.

4 Questions
-Why were graves made for the boys that started their own army?
-What would happen if a German caught them with a message?
-Were the boys paid to fight in the war?
-How did Yehuda feel after he read the letter from Lala?

3 Vocab Words
-zupa pluj-"spit soup"

2 Literary Terms
-"we were showered with leaflets calling for surrender"(Nir 171)
-"each shot crackled on the ground"

1 Overview
-Yehuda is now a teenage a boy fighting in WWII and he is seperated from the rest of his family.

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