Friday, October 17, 2008


-I think Esmeralda was happy to see her sister, but sad because she didn't axtuaaly know who she was.
-Both parents were being fake towards each other.
-They both made sarcastic remarks and kept a smile on their faces.
-I dont think Mami like Provi because of the way she acted after Provi and her Margi left.
-Esmeralda should've told the man that his pants were unzipped and his stuff was in her face.
4 questions
-Why did Esmeralda lie to hr mother about the dress?
-Was Esmeralda becoming more American?
- Was America taking over Esmeralda's culture?
-Why did Esmeralda feel as if Provi and Mami was fighting over Papi?
3 vocab words
-ashen: pale; wan
-rabid: extreme; radical
-dimly: softly; faintly
2 literary terms
-onomatopoeia: "the hissing flames"
-foreshadow: Esmeralda had dreams about her future
1 sentence
- Esmeralda got to meet her sister for the first time. She was not able to talk to her about Papi even though she wanted to. Their mothers sat at the table and had conversations that was not about the kids but about Papi. I dont think that they liked each other too much. All Margi and Esmeralda did was kind of stare at eachother across the table. I think Esmeralda was scared because she didnt know what to say to Margi.

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