Tuesday, October 21, 2008


-I noticed that Esmeralda's cousin's name is Corazon which means Heart.
-Esmeralda goes to Performing Arts High School to do drama and dance.
-In New York at PAHS they read Shakespeare plays. Here in OB we read Shakespeare plays in English class also.
-Seeing stars made Esmeralda happy again.
-Maybe seeing the stars reminded her of Puerto Rico with her dad.
4 questions
-Why does Esmeralda only feel pretty when she dances?
-Why were the students arguing about whether Americans or Puerto Ricans were better?
-Was wearing skirts a part of Esmeralda's culture?
-What made Esmeralda think that her mother and aunt were going to let her and her cousin live alone?
3 vocab words
-litany: a long list of things such as complaints or problems
-"casi mujer": almot woman
-subversive: rebellious
2 literary terms
-imagry: "the elevator operator, a short, swarthy man in a natty uniform that made him look like Napolian."
-setting: "warm Puerto Rican sun"
1 sentence
-Esmeralda is finally able to start the actual dancing and acting in plays. The heat is on for her but she is having fun while acting.

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