Wednesday, November 26, 2008


5 sentences
-Ruth showed that he was dedicated to baseball because he was the first person out of the hotel and on the feild ready to play.
-Ruth was dedicated to baseball, but still took part in golf, fishing and horseback riding.
-Some people thought that Ruth had the mind of a 15 year old because of his attitude.
-He was married but still messed with all females in the Boston district.
4 questions
-Was Rut treated differently because he was bigger(size) than the average major leaguer?
-Did Ruth's eating effect his athletic abilities?
-Why was Ruth's attitude so negative?
-Did Ruth care that he was loosing money?
3 vocab words
2 literary terms
-imagry:"'His features were heavy, his hair thick and black,his eyes brown.'"
-irony:Ruth could eat raw meat and not get sick.
1 overview
-To me Ruth seemed like a wierd and crazy person. He was 4 inches and 25 pounds larger than the average major leager. Babe Ruth could eat 2.5 pounds of steak for dinner and he use to tell his wife not to bother to cook his meat because he ate it raw and uncooked. He still managed to stay healthy and play baseball. He use to swear knowing that it will get him in trouble and he was going to be benched. Rut had a mind of his own.

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