Friday, December 5, 2008


5 sentences
- One player on the Tigers wanted to get Ruth to mess up in the game.
-Ruth was never found away from his uniform, bag, and bat.
-Frazee was offered $150,000 from the Yankees for Ruth.
-Thomas and Douglas were soon to be drafeted from the team.
-Frazee held on to Ruth all the way through.

4 questions
-Why was it that Ruth did everything right on the feild but everything wrong off the feild?
-Was Albert Gitchell important to the team?
-Why was it that Ruth could not get a hit when playing the Tigers?
-Was Vince Molynearux going to take Ruths place?

3 vocab words

2 literary terms
-irony: Its ironic how Ruth knew how to act on the feild but not off the feild.
-foreshadow: Because Ruth was so good on the feild he might become a professional basesball player.

1 overview sentence
- There were so many changes in the bteam and for Ruth. So many offers were given to Frazee for Ruth but instead Frazee put two players up to be drafted. Ruth knew he had competition so he stepped up his game in order to keep his spot on the team.

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