Sunday, December 7, 2008


5 sentences
-The most impotant season for the Red Sox began May 24,1917 against the White Sox.
-Babe Ruth opened his own bar in1916.
-Ruth was friends with the teammates and coach of the Cubs and Pirates.
-Ruth won 3 world Series and only allowed 19 hits in 31 innings.
-Ruth hit more homeruns in 1918 than any majpr league team could.

4 questions-
-Why weren't the Red Sox playing thier best in the first 5 innings of the game against the White Sox?
-What made Ruth "overheat" and get mad at the diners?
-Where is the Babe Ruth Museum located?
-Was being friends with the other team a reason for all of the offers for Ruth?

3 vocab words

2 literary terms
-none here

1 overview sentence
-Babe Ruth loved baseball. He barely practiced but was able to do more than the teams can do in the same amount of time. Ruth never fails when he is on the baseball feild.

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