Thursday, December 18, 2008


5 sentences
-People waited all morning for baseball games as they do today.
-Cubs manager bet $500 that they would beat the Red Sox.
-Matt Foley is a sports writer. I think he still writes about sports in the mewspapers.
-I like how they put an actual advertisement in the book.
-The Red Sox were always on the feild ready to play.

4 questions
-Why doesnt he weather effect the Red Sox like it does other teams?
-Why were the games postponed so much?
-Why did Frazee want to change the umpire system?
-Why were all of the subway entrances blocked?

3 vocab words

2 literary terms
-onomatopoeia: "sheep grazed the outfield grass"
-setting: "cloudy, damp, chill"

1 overall sentence
- In this chapther it just tells about how the Red Sox always ready for games no matter how the weather is. It didnt really talk about Ruth behaving poorly in this chapter. Every thing was positive.

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