Wednesday, April 29, 2009


-Kale got Sarah to have dinner wth hisparents.
-Kale's chest tightened when he thought of a killer being around his neighborhood.
-Kale drove and parked into a cementary with rah.
-Barton waswaching arah as she approachd to his house.
-It seemeas if Barton was hiding from Sarah.

-Who was Sarah hiing from?
-Were there drugs involved inthe murder?
-Was Sarh getting soft on Kale?
-Did Sarah love him or was she using him for other things>

3Vocab Words

2Literary Terms
-"The tough New York girl vanished and thi soft, sexy woman emerged"
-foreshadow: Vallerie was murdered by someone she knew

1Overview Sentence
-Sarah met Kale's family ad itmay have brought him closer to her. Sarah mightnot feel the same way about Kale as he does abouther.

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