Tuesday, April 14, 2009


-The psychiatrist knew that Sarah was lying about all of the questions that she asked.
-Sarah spent 7 days in a padded room hearing voices in her head that aren't hers.
-LIAR was written on the victms forehead.
-Sarah made Conner feel adequate and feel like he was somebody.
-A medal from a spelling bee was pushed down the victims throat.

-Why is Sarah lying to her shrink?
-What makes Sarah so paranoid about eating food in restaurants, or eating out in general?
-How was the killer able to push the medal down the victims throat?
-Is the killer really one of their own residents of Youngstown?

3Vocab words

2Literary terms
-man vs man: the killer vs the victim
-foreshadow: somting else will go wrong in Youngstown

- The victim has suffered a horrible death. She had a medal shoved down her throat, her south was sewed shut, and her body was super glued to the cement.

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