Thursday, December 18, 2008


5 sentences
-All babe ruth wanted was to make more money.
-frazee told ruth that if he couldnt accept the money that he got then he shouldnt play.
-ruth was traded five days later and he showed off his skills.
-Babe Ruth had the 4th best winning percentage in 1916.
-Babe Ruth was able to play ten World Series. Three being in Boston and 7 in New York.

4 questions
Wasruth going to make money by playing baseball?
Whydid the community going to raise more money for ruth?
were they scared to loose him?
did the baseball players have a choice in whether they wanted to go to another team?

3 vocab words

2 literary terms
none found

1 overview sentence
I learned a lot about Babe Ruth from this book I never really cared about learning about him, but Im glad I did. Babe Ruth was very stubborn, but when it came to sports he was on top.


5 sentences
-People waited all morning for baseball games as they do today.
-Cubs manager bet $500 that they would beat the Red Sox.
-Matt Foley is a sports writer. I think he still writes about sports in the mewspapers.
-I like how they put an actual advertisement in the book.
-The Red Sox were always on the feild ready to play.

4 questions
-Why doesnt he weather effect the Red Sox like it does other teams?
-Why were the games postponed so much?
-Why did Frazee want to change the umpire system?
-Why were all of the subway entrances blocked?

3 vocab words

2 literary terms
-onomatopoeia: "sheep grazed the outfield grass"
-setting: "cloudy, damp, chill"

1 overall sentence
- In this chapther it just tells about how the Red Sox always ready for games no matter how the weather is. It didnt really talk about Ruth behaving poorly in this chapter. Every thing was positive.

Monday, December 15, 2008


5 sentences
-Emma, 15, dated Beefelt, 33, and her mother allowed it.
-When Emma was told not to see him again and he threatened to kill her.
-Beefelt forced Emma to leave with him.
-Her mother should be blamed for everything that happened.
-The only reason why they were suppose to seperate was because her mother found out Beefelt was married.
4 questions
-Why did Beefelt want to date a 15 year old girl?
-Why did Emma's mother allow her to date Beefelt?
-Did Emma really want to leave with him?
-Why didnt she write a leter to her father asking him to rescue her?
3 vocab words
None found
2 literary terms
-ironic: its ironic how Emma's mother let them get together, but then seperate when she found out he was married.
-foreshadow: Since Emma is leaving with Beefelt he might kill her when she tries to run away.
1 overall sentence
-I focused on why Emma's mother allowed her toi date a 33 year old man, Beefelt, and then try to seperate them.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


-George got into his first fight and it was with his brother.
-While fighting he fell and banged his head.
-He died at the age of 45 because of a skull fracture.
-The reasons for the fight are still unclear.
-Ruth was planning on opening a store with his wife.

4 questions
-Why were George and his brother fighting?
-Was the fact that he hit his head going to effect his athletic ability?
-Was his brother charged or sentenced for killing him?
-Was it really and accident?

3 literary terms

2 literary terms
-foreshadow: maybe Georges behavior was going to get him in a lot of trouble

1 overview
I want to know more about the fight. I want to know why they were fighting. I would like to think that it wasnt meant for George to die.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


5 sentences
-The most impotant season for the Red Sox began May 24,1917 against the White Sox.
-Babe Ruth opened his own bar in1916.
-Ruth was friends with the teammates and coach of the Cubs and Pirates.
-Ruth won 3 world Series and only allowed 19 hits in 31 innings.
-Ruth hit more homeruns in 1918 than any majpr league team could.

4 questions-
-Why weren't the Red Sox playing thier best in the first 5 innings of the game against the White Sox?
-What made Ruth "overheat" and get mad at the diners?
-Where is the Babe Ruth Museum located?
-Was being friends with the other team a reason for all of the offers for Ruth?

3 vocab words

2 literary terms
-none here

1 overview sentence
-Babe Ruth loved baseball. He barely practiced but was able to do more than the teams can do in the same amount of time. Ruth never fails when he is on the baseball feild.

Friday, December 5, 2008


5 sentences
- One player on the Tigers wanted to get Ruth to mess up in the game.
-Ruth was never found away from his uniform, bag, and bat.
-Frazee was offered $150,000 from the Yankees for Ruth.
-Thomas and Douglas were soon to be drafeted from the team.
-Frazee held on to Ruth all the way through.

4 questions
-Why was it that Ruth did everything right on the feild but everything wrong off the feild?
-Was Albert Gitchell important to the team?
-Why was it that Ruth could not get a hit when playing the Tigers?
-Was Vince Molynearux going to take Ruths place?

3 vocab words

2 literary terms
-irony: Its ironic how Ruth knew how to act on the feild but not off the feild.
-foreshadow: Because Ruth was so good on the feild he might become a professional basesball player.

1 overview sentence
- There were so many changes in the bteam and for Ruth. So many offers were given to Frazee for Ruth but instead Frazee put two players up to be drafted. Ruth knew he had competition so he stepped up his game in order to keep his spot on the team.